Well, I found her. At least I think I did. And she is now my Least Favorite Person In The World (LFPITW).
While listening to the radio yesterday morning (I won't say the station name, because I don't want to do free advertising for KDWB), the LFPITW called in and was complaining about the fact that Dave Ryan said "he was starving," and "Oh my goodness! How could you use such an offensive term! There are people in the world that don't have any food, and are actually starving! You're a horrible person if you use that term in an attempt to be funny! Don't make fun of such a bad situation. I don't think the starving people think it's very funny!"
Fortunately, what seemed like the entire staff at this unnamed radio station (that rhymes with "Hey bee, how-do-you see?") jumped on this woman and called her an uptight moron, and suggested that maybe she should pull the stick out of her butt.
They wondered if she was also offended by such phrases as "I'm going to kill you, I'm so mad I could kick a baby," or "I feel like punching a toddler." Yes, the LFPITW was offended.
She claimed that since young people listen to their show and are easily influenced, they should make an effort to be less offensive and not make fun of starving people. After all, it's not worth offending someone just to be funny! They explained to her that the majority of their listeners could hear these expressions without taking them seriously, getting upset, or going out and laughing at a starving person begging for money because, unlike the LFPITW, they're not stupid.
I'm thinking about calling the radio station (651-989-KDWB) and getting the LFPITW's contact information so I can send her The Mean Mom blog. I'm sure she wouldn't be offended by any of the drug, alcohol, or child-beating references.
Okay, gotta run. I should probably put some concealer on Charlie's black eye before he goes to school. Believe me, nothing ruins a Thursday faster than a visit from child protective services. Plus, I need to eat some breakfast, because I'm absolutely starving.
What?!! KDWB? They're still around? Do they play Hanna Montana 24-hours a day? Seriously, I think I stopped listening to them when I was around 15 years old.
Have a taco for breakfast!!
Yes, they're still around. No, they never play Hannah Montana. And I was listening to it while I had two 13-year-olds in the car with me for five minutes while I was waiting at the bus stop.
Are you saying the child-beating references are untrue and are meant just to be funny? Huh. Well that's a tad disappointing.
Anonymous, we have nothing to do with Hannah Montana and teeny-bopper stuff like you may remember. KDWB's audience is now mostly adults.
Common misconception. Check us out sometime. We always get people in their 40s whispering "I'll bet I'm your oldest listener!" lol! Far from it! Much more mature but semi-family friendly content than back in the day! Not for everyone though, especially for those who take everything literally...Like Jessica for example! : )
Dave Ryan
Thank you for taking time out from kicking babies to leave a comment, Dave! Now go eat some lunch, because I'm sure you're starving.
Oh, Jessica is also known as the LFPITW.
I would LOOOOVE to see Jessica's reaction to The Mean Mom. While we're at, send her my way. I'm sure she would equally enjoy a little Stitch Out Loud blasphemous cross stitch.
I never thought I'd ever quote Rahm Emanuel, but thats "F**ing retarded". I'm going to go wait for my email response to this post from Sarah Palin now.
Steve, I'm kind of offended by that term. I can't believe you said "f**ing" and not "fucking."
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